Nicholas Rosenkranz Joins Board of Directors
We are delighted to announce that Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz ’92 LAW ’99 was recently elected to the Buckley Program’s Board of Directors.
Our chairman, Roger Kimball, notes: “I am delighted to welcome Nick Rosenkranz to the board of the William F. Buckley, Jr. Program. Nick’s energy, legal expertise, and commitment to ordered liberty and freedom of speech make him an ideal partner in our efforts to bring back sanity and open debate to America’s college campuses. It is uphill work, I know, but Nick is ready for the challenge. Welcome aboard!”
Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz is a Professor of Law at Georgetown, specializing in constitutional law, federal jurisdiction, foreign affairs law, and statutory interpretation.
His articles on these topics are among the most downloaded and cited in these fields: they are consistently published in the nation’s top law reviews, including the Harvard Law Review and the Stanford Law Review, and his work has been cited by many state and federal judges, including three different Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court.
Rosenkranz frequently testifies before Congress as a constitutional expert, including, for example, at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings for the nomination of Loretta Lynch to be Attorney General and Sonia Sotomayor to be a Supreme Court Justice. He has written briefs and presented oral argument at the U.S. Supreme Court. In the popular press, he has written opinion pieces for the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post, and he is frequently asked to comment on legal issues for various national media.
Rosenkranz’s primary extracurricular activity is his work to support free speech and intellectual diversity at American universities. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Federalist Society, which is the leading proponent of intellectual diversity and debate in legal education. In 2015, Rosenkranz and Jonathan Haidt co-founded Heterodox Academy, which promotes intellectual diversity of university faculty and unfettered debate on university campuses. He has written about these issues, both in scholarly journals and in national periodicals. For decades, his family’s primary philanthropic goals have been to raise the level of national debate on matters of public policy; to promote free speech and intellectual diversity on university campuses; and to promote excellence at Yale.