Multi-Day Seminars

Taught by experts in their field, our multi-day seminars allow students the opportunity to have intensive and fruitful academic engagement with topics and thinkers often neglected in their Yale classrooms. Through these multi-day seminars, the Buckley Institute helps fill the gaps in the Yale curriculum.


In March 2015, we launched our multi-day seminar program, allowing students the opportunity to have intensive and fruitful academic engagement with topics and thinkers neglected in their Yale classrooms. Held over three days during winter, spring, summer, and fall breaks, topics and professors have included:

Past Topics

  • Lincoln and the Crisis of American Democracy with Peter Ahrensdorf
  • Free Market Fairness with John Tomasi
  • Aristotle on The Good Life with Robert Bartlett
  • The Federalist Papers and the American Founding with Charles Kesler
  • Tocqueville's Democracy in America with Patrick Deneen

Upcoming Seminars

The Buckley Institute is not currently accepting applications. Email with any questions.

“I love the Buckley Program’s commitment to the humanities and great books. This was apparent to me after I took a seminar on The Tempest.”

— Yale Student ’24

“The multi-day seminars in general have been my favorite events. Of the multi-day seminars, I have probably been most impacted by the John Tomasi or Yuval Levin seminar. Although, I probably enjoyed Steve Hayward’s seminar most.”

— Yale Student ’24

“It’s an amazing learning environment and really pushed me to think about the topic outside of class, not because I needed to, but because I wanted to.”

— Maddy Megal ’25

“The Buckley Program seminar gave me the ability to communicate deeply about a topic with an esteemed professor, with people surrounding me who were passionate or intrigued about the topic and not worried about a grade.”

— Maddy Megal ’25

Past Multi-Day Seminars

Join Skidmore College’s Flagg Taylor for a three-day seminar reflecting on the writings of two of the great authors of the twentieth century: Arthur Koestler and Václav Havel.