Student Fellows Program Reaches Record Size
We are pleased to announce that the Buckley Institute continues to surge to new heights, semester after semester, and year after year. On the heels of our rebranding effort and the launch of our brand-new website, we reached a new record number of student fellows.
The Buckley Institute now has 623 student fellows on campus, comprising 9.5% of the undergraduate student population. At the close of the 2021-2022 academic year, the Buckley Institute had 501 student fellows, itself a record, indicating a nearly 25% increase over the past year.
We have continued to inspire more Yale students to seek out diverse perspectives they don’t find in the classroom through compelling opportunities and top-notch speakers. In November, we filled every seat in the Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall auditorium for former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. A few weeks later, the Buckley Institute had to turn people away from an over-capacity event featuring federal judges Elizabeth Branch and James Ho, who discussed their efforts to fight for free speech on Yale’s campus. And, we look forward to hosting our annual Disinvitation Dinner in New York City this fall.
Our fellows travel to Washington, D.C. to meet the nation’s top leaders including senators, Cabinet secretaries, and Supreme Court justices. The Buckley Institute’s new Lux et Veritas Leadership Program provides a select group of undergraduates with the values and skills they need to lead in the boardroom, the courtroom, or Congress. Our speakers and seminars alike serve as locus points for discussion of ideas Yale students just won’t hear anywhere else on campus.
The Buckley Institute continues to grow and expand its impact on Yale’s campus. Interested Yale students can apply easily online to become a fellow today!