On Tuesday, April 16, at 4:30pm in Linsly-Chittenden Hall Room 101 (63 High St, New Haven, CT), the Buckley Institute is pleased to welcome former
New York Times editor James Bennet to discuss Why Journalism is Falling Apart and Taking Liberalism With It.
James Bennet is
The Economist‘s Lexington columnist and a senior editor. Previously he served for a year as a visiting senior editor at
The Economist. He has also served as editorial page editor of
The New York Times and editor-in-chief of
The Atlantic. Before joining
The Atlantic, he worked as a reporter at
The Times in various roles, including Jerusalem bureau chief, magazine correspondent, White House correspondent and Detroit bureau chief.
James Bennet resigned from
The New York Times editorial page staff following the publication of Senator Tom Cotton's
opinion piece calling for the use of military force to end the Black Lives Matter riots during the summer of 2020. He has outlined some of his thoughts and reflections on that experience in a long essay for
The Economist.