Essay Contest

Each year, the Buckley Institute sponsors two essay contests: one for Yale undergraduates and one for American high school students. The winners receive monetary awards and an invitation to our annual conference. The 2024 essay contest is now open. Submit your essay today!


Since 2013, the Buckley Institute has held an annual essay contest inviting Yale undergraduates and high school students from across the country to comment on a question of major political significance. The top three essayists in both the high school and Yale undergraduate contests are awarded $1,000, $500, or $250, and are invited to receive their award at the Buckley Institute’s annual conference.

Past Topics

  • Milton Friedman’s Capitalism and Freedom
  • James Burnham’s Suicide of the West
  • What is the Greatest Threat to Free Speech?

Current Essay Contest

The Buckley Institute is currently accepting submissions for its 2024 essay contest focusing on free speech and the Woodward Report, the seminal document underlining the importance of free speech in general and on college campuses in particular.

This year, the Buckley Institute is pleased to announce that there will be 3 separate contests; an American high school student contest, a Yale undergraduate contest, and a national undergraduate contest. The first, second, and third place winners will be awarded $1,000, $500, and $250 respectively, and are invited to the Buckley Institute’s annual conference in New Haven on November 8, 2024, to accept their prize.

Submissions are due by 11:59pm PST on Sunday, October 6, 2024.